American JourneyWoman Kerry knows a thing or two about travelling with a backpack & shares 36 things she’s found indispensable on her globe-trotting trips.
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Practical Tips to Help You Prepare for a Solo Trip to Cuba
Donna Star, author of Cuba for Mama: A Daughter’s Journey 2016: Travel Tales & Tips, shares her tips on preparing for a solo trip to Cuba
Top 5 Outdoor Markets for Women to Visit in London
Guest writer Andy Jarosz shares his top 5 London markets to feed your hobbies and interests.
Find Your Packing Mojo – 12 Tips for Africa
In this article from our archives, JourneyWoman and journalist Alexis Grant shares her insight on packing for a women’s solo trip to Africa.
Her Tips to Travel Solo Safely in Morocco
From the archives, this tip-rich article by Susan Dresner will help inspire your visit to the colourful and cultural country of Morocco.
Packing for The Rain Forest
What to pack and what to wear when travelling to the rain forest.