Women’s Stories

Midlife Reinvention

Stories of women who adapt, find their purpose and growth through travel

Travel Industry: Ignore Women Over 50 ‘at Your Peril’, Longevity Expert Says at IWTTF 2024

Older women have been ignored by every sector, despite their representing a massive share of purchasing power, says longevity expert Avivah Wittenberg-Cox.

JourneyWoman CEO Carolyn Ray Speaks on Women and Aging at IWTTF on June 27 in London, UK

Advancing diversity in travel, JourneyWoman CEO Carolyn Ray is speaking at the International Women in Travel and Tourism Forum in London on June 27, 2024.

Hello, I’m Right Here! Why Are Older Women Treated Like We’re Invisible?

In life and in travel, older women over 50 become invisible. It has happened to me more times than I can count, most recently at a hotel bar.

Stories About Midlife Reinvention

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