Last updated on November 19th, 2023 I travelled to Addis Ababa and the central highland area. The local women always wear skirts but pants were acceptable for foreigners. Shorts would…
What to Wear in Iceland
Last updated on November 19th, 2023 Even though it’s rather cold in Iceland, Icelanders generally dress fairly well. The younger crowd — it’s very trendy but you can get away…
What to Wear in Martinique
…of tourist sun topless. Only Europeans, it seems, go completely nude. Wear comfortable shoes when shopping, but make sure they aren’t sneakers and are something “vogue.” Penny, Boca Raton, USA…
What to wear in Sri Lanka
…which would be offensive to locals. Wear what you like in the confines of a resort, but cover-up when you’re walking on the beach or traveling around this gorgeous country….
What to Wear in Cambodia
…in Cambodia and Vietnam), important if you are wearing a skirt. Make sure to keep clean and have clean hair, even the poorest people bathe as often as possible and…
What to Wear in Bali
Last updated on November 19th, 2023 When touring a sacred site in Bali it is improper for women or men to enter wearing shorts or a very short skirt. One…
What to Wear in Bangladesh
Last updated on April 5th, 2024 It is advisable to bear in mind that when Bangladeshi women go out they generally try to look their very best. Wearing old or…
What to Wear in Belize
Last updated on November 19th, 2023 Anything goes-just keep your top on at the beach. The Europeans tend to go topless but I never saw a local without her top….
What to Wear in Bolivia
Last updated on November 19th, 2023 If you’re headed to the highlands around La Paz, think layers. You will experience all four seasons in one day. Fleece is nice, but…
What to Wear in Micronesia
…meeting the delightful, gentle island people when you are dressed appropriately. Sharon, Eugene, USA Wear long dresses that are below the knee. It is considered very rude and inappropriate to…