7 Health Tips for JourneyWomen Flying South

by | Oct 3, 2018

Older women playing in the surf

Last updated on April 22nd, 2020

Are you an older adult travelling south this winter? Here are some easy tips to make your experience as healthy, informed, and comfortable as possible.

  1. Review your health insurance policy carefully. Be positive that you have adequate coverage. If yours is a yearly policy report any new health issues and medications you are taking. Check on the number of days you are insured and stay within that limit. Any mistakes on your part can make your policy null and void.
  2. Think ahead. Be prepared for any medical issues that could arise. Ask your family doctor for the names of any colleagues you can consult at your destination. Or, join the International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers to find quality medical care closest to where you are staying.
  3. Pack a copy of your eyeglass prescription so you can easily replace them if necessary. Keep a list of all your medications and dosages along with the phone number of the pharmacy they were filled at.
  4. Travelling in layered, comfortable, casual clothes that don’t restrict movement is always a good idea. Think ahead to the temperatures you will experience. Clothes made from cotton or natural fibers breathe better and keep your body cooler.
  5. Once on the plane, understand that if you sit in the same position for any length of time it will make you feel stiff and sluggish. Lack of movement can slow down your body’s circulation and oxygen will not reach your joints and muscles. Be proactive. Get up during the flight and stretch those arms and legs. This will keep your muscles flexible as you head to your destination. P.S. Check your seat pocket for their airline magazine and other instruction cards. They usually contain exercises you can do at your seat to avoid extra stiffness.
  6. Pack sunscreen, a wide-brimmed sun hat, and read all about how to stay well in the heat.
  7. Once you arrive, check out Groupon.com/cities/ for discounts on groceries, restaurants and fun things to do. Clip coupons and save in these areas so you can splurge on other aspects of your vacation.

Bon voyage and enjoy!

Evelyn started JourneyWoman in 1994, and unknowingly became the world's first female travel blogger. She inspired a sisterhood of women, a grassroots movement, to inspire women to travel safely and well, and to connect women travellers around the world. She passed away in 2019, but her legacy lives on.


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