Nora Livingstone

Conservation + Wildife Ethics

Expert in Animal Conservation, Ethical animal experiences
British Columbia, Canada

Topics Include:

  • How to Choose Ethical Animal Experiences
  • Ethics in Business
  • The New Way to Travel
  • Becoming a Citizen Scientist

More on her website

Last updated on November 7th, 2023

Nora Livingstone specializes in corporate social responsibility and cross-cultural management, bringing in extensive international experience with local communities that run animal conservation programs. Coining the term: Consent Based Travel she understands the importance of ethics in all interactions. 

Nora’s work has taken her to over 45 countries, including Oman, Sierra Leone, Guatemala, and Mongolia. Nora is a qualified Crisis Counselor and holds FEMA certifications in leadership and deployment during natural disasters. Nora runs her own award-winning B-Corp, Animal Experience International and believes locally lead community conservation and animal welfare programs will not only help animals, but they will also help humanity. She is also a Director on the board for the Cowichan Women Against Violence Society, and a member of JourneyWoman’s Advisory Council, providing expert advice on animal tourism and ethics. 

Member, JourneyWoman Advisory Council

Recent Speaking Engagements