Our Commitment to Anti-Racism

by | Jun 7, 2020

our commitment to anti-racism

Last updated on September 16th, 2020

This is a time to listen, learn and act with intention

Dear JourneyWoman Community:

I know that we are all overwhelmed with emotion right now. Frustration. Sadness. Fear. Anger. Discomfort.

I’ve been listening, asking questions, trying to learn, and if I’m honest, trying to overcome my guilt.  Guilt that I haven’t done enough. Guilt that I don’t know all the answers. Guilt that as a white woman, I have the power to do more but haven’t.

These protests happening all over the world are bringing much-needed attention to the systemic issues of racism, privilege and power. I abhor inequality, racism, police brutality and violence. What I have seen on the news, on social media, in our streets, breaks my heart. But I have hope.

I’ve spoken to women in our community who were on the front lines of activism in the 1960s and 70s. These women joined protests to fight for equal rights, against war, and to protect the environment in an era of profound turmoil: Woodstock, Pride, Vietnam, Watergate, Kent State and the Love Canal, to name a few. With COVID-19 as the context for our lives and many in high-risk groups, I know that you are feeling frustrated that you can’t join protesters on the streets, out of concern for your safety and that of others. I believe we can learn a lot from you – you have helped shape our lives for the better.

For almost 30 years, JourneyWoman has been a voice of equality and empowerment for women – ground in a belief that we CAN change our world for the better. Our passion for travel, and our ethos of embracing curiosity to seek, learn and teach others is more than words. It defines who we are and what we believe.  It also defines how we ACT.

Travel is central to our lives. Not only does it teach us about ourselves, but it broadens our perspective on the world. As travellers, we learn tolerance, compassion, empathy, generosity and gratitude. Travel is transformative; It helps us adapt to change, teaches us to be resourceful and resilient.  Now we must exemplify those lessons in everything that we think, do and say.

JourneyWoman is more than just one person. It is, and has always been, a community. A community of women who believe in equality, in freedom and in human rights. Together, we have the ability to fight racism and the damage of injustice. This starts with learning and listening. We have the ability to inspire action, optimism and hope and make a commitment toward positive action and change.

To the Black community – we see you. You matter and your lives matter.

We know we must do better.

We must take action.

To our JourneyWoman community – we have a voice and a privilege. Let’s use it.

We must commit to drive change, to create a better, more just world, where everyone is free.

Be safe, Be well.

With Love from,

Carolyn, Amanda, Melissa and Tom

P.S.:  We’ve put a list of resources on our website for you, including tips, books, movies and other ways to learn and support black communities.  Please visit this page to access this and add your own recommendations.

Our Commitment to Anti-Racism

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