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JourneyWoman Webinar Series: Wellness and Transformational Travel on March 12

by | Feb 28, 2024

Two older women laugh and blow bubbles on the beach on a transformational travel retreat

Last updated on March 30th, 2024

Featured image: Transformational travel is an opportunity for connection and growth | Photo by RawPixel on Envato

The healing power of travel

Transformational travel is not new, nor is it a trend.  But it does bear some explanation. 

The Transformational Travel Council defines transformational travel as “intentionally traveling to stretch, learn and grow into new ways of being and engaging with the world.”  The council goes on to say: “We believe meaningful travel starts from the inside out – and that is what we’re here to shift. Too often our travel reinforces our existing boundaries, worldviews, and practices, rather than stretch and evolve them. What we’re bringing to travel, for you, for us, our communities, and our planet is an experience that integrates mindset, intentionality, reflection, empathy, and joy.” 

Travel gives us the opportunity for self-reflection and self-growth. When we travel, we are removed from our familiar and routine lives. We become immersed in a new culture with different values and perspectives, away from expectations and responsibility. This shifts us out of our comfort zone. We are open to change, learning, and connection. Transformative travel can also teach us how to be better global citizens and to provide us with the clarity and confidence to thrive in our lives. It helps us be conscious about how we engage with our world both at home and when travelling abroad.   

So how do you get started on a transformational travel journey?  We’ve invited three experts from the JourneyWoman Women’s Travel Directory to join us and share their top tips and insider secrets on our webinar on March 12, 2024, at 2 pm EST.

When: Tuesday, March 12, 2024

When:  2 pm EST (check local time zones here)

Where: Zoom! Sign up below for the link. Capacity is 100 women. 

The session will be recorded and shared on our YouTube channel for those who can’t join us.

Webinar Participants

Hosted by Christine Winebrenner Irick, Host, Soul of Travel Podcast, and Owner, Lotus Sojourns, participants include:

  • Tania Carriere, CEO, Advivum Journeys:  Tania blends destination travel with experiential learning and personal wellbeing to inspire this newest version of you. Based on years of sound research and international experience, Tania carefully curates retreat experiences that support your unique emotional, intellectual, and experiential journey.
  • Katie Beckwith, Manager, Rebecca Adventure Travel: Rebecca Adventure Travel is committed to empowering women through transformative journeys. With all-female directors, Rebecca Adventure Travel prioritizes creating a safe and inclusive environment for women to confidently explore less-travelled places in Ecuador, Colombia and Peru.
  • Shawna Robins, Founder, Third Spark Health and Wellness: Sleep expert and best-selling author, Shawan Robins teaches women how to improve their sleep, because without deep, restorative rest, the body and mind will break down quickly into chronic illness and disease. 

Moderated by Christine Winebrenner Irick
Host, Soul of Travel Podcast, and Owner, Lotus Sojourns

Ginny Lunn of Walking Women

Tania Carriere
Advivum Journeys


Katie Beckwith

What questions do you have about Transformational Travel?

In partnership women-owned businesses from our JourneyWoman Women’s Travel Directory we’ll share perspectives about where to experience transformational travel and wellness experiences, what to do and how to create the right experience for you.

We’ll answer all of your questions, such as:

  • What is transformational travel?  
  • What are the benefits of transformational travel?
  • What are some different kinds of transformational travel experiences?
  • What are some less-travelled places to explore?
  • What’s the benefit of a transformational group experience?
Monastere des Augustines in Quebec, home to wellness and transformational travel retreats

Le Monastère des Augustines offers transformational and wellness experiences in Quebec City, Canada.

web banner promoting an off season europe webinar

More on Transformational Travel

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We always strive to use real photos from our own adventures, provided by the guest writer or from our personal travels. However, in some cases, due to photo quality, we must use stock photography. If you have any questions about the photography please let us know.

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