Travel Tips

Culture and Etiquette

Navigating different societal norms and etiquette across cultures

The Ethics of Food and Travel: What to Eat, or Not Eat When You Travel

Horse, insects, rats, dog? How do you navigate the ethics of food and travel, while being respectful of local cultures?

Things She Loves: 2023 Black Friday Travel Deals for Women

Women-recommended Black Friday travel deals to make your 2024 travels even easier, curated from reader tips and our own experiences.

Top Lisbon Museums for Women to Explore

Top Lisbon Museums for Women to Explore

Contributing writer Sally Peabody shares her favorite Lisbon museums, including the Calouste Gulbenkian, National Museum of Azulejos, and the Casa Museu Medeiros e Almeida and newer contemporary museums.

Her Bandana — Forty Travel Uses

Her Bandana — Forty Travel Uses

As you travel the world carrying only your backpack or other small bag you want to be prepared for as many eventualities as possible. Since you can’t possibly carry all the things you might need, JW suggests the bandana hacks for travel, instead!

Mind Your Manners Around the World …

Mind Your Manners Around the World …

Whether you are travelling for business or pleasure it is more than important for guests to be culturally correct at the table. Here are sixteen tips to assist you in 16 different countries.